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Outpost system

dans English dans Forums

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Auteur du sujet


Jade Jester

7 ans plus tôt

I have started a series of outposts for travelers to take refuge across the forest. I hope that this means we can some day go walking out of one of the gates, run into many outposts along the way... If anyone would like to help or has any suggestions, Reply here.

# 2



7 ans plus tôt

Currently we are building a system called the golden bridge. so far it starts from the main area and spands off far outward. we are extreamly deep into a level 13 area and cant seem to come out of it it is gold and 4 blocks wide. and open for people to pitch in ^.^

# 3



7 ans plus tôt

i can pitch in lol just need to bookmark the spot ;)

# 4



7 ans plus tôt

Is it east or west?

# 5



7 ans plus tôt

Is it east or west?

# 6



7 ans plus tôt

Awesome to see some building initiatives! Keep up the good work! Claimable land is coming in an update soon so you can make sure your hard work isn't demolished by less social players.

# 7



7 ans plus tôt

cailmable land is not really good when the user not really stay in game in long time... it will be broken building... must be good creative builds and it nice to all.. can odd and weird... and no all can claim.. that my opinion.. and we need clean some area see the mess at lvl 1 area XD to many people make tower.. even me my self not really want claim.. but want to move my build home to close many active player :D it beter in vilage

# 8



7 ans plus tôt

Hey, nice! Never stray from the golden path :-) Wonderful house you have, BTW!

# 9



7 ans plus tôt

ive made some buildings heading directly WEST from town out the door by my place. 'Mossy Stones' mark the path for now. Buildings along the way to provide protection. out to level 10 area so far and still building.

# 10



7 ans plus tôt

edit: will make into main highway soon.. would like some help with building a highway out to further areas if anyone is interested.

Message 1–10 sur 15

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